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I believe that people capable are of making their dreams become their reality.  But to do so, one must  “step outside of the box.” to truly allow themselves to experience, explore and discover who they indeed are.  One must dive deep into the soul to find their “essence.” Doing so allows them to operate at their highest and best self.  I assert that most people live their lives for others, through others, and by others standards and their beliefs, rather than allowing intuition to guide them on their journey.

Growing up, I’ve always tried to stay true to what I believe and what my passion was. On my journey as a young kid and adult, I too fell victim to conditioning of the world. As a result I internalized messages from everywhere; family, friends, peers, and my environment of who I was or was supposed to be.

I spent years trying to find myself and where I fitted in in this big world. I was looking for validation and love. I was repeating cycles of self-sabotage and procrastination. Eventually, I knew If I wanted life to go differently, I’d have to make better choices and align myself with my purpose;  So I joined a Life & Leadership training program through Accomplishment coaching that transformed my life.  I now want to share this work with the world and to help those who are looking for a major shift in their life!  My passion and purpose is helping people live life from their higher-self.

Are you ready to unlock your true potential and reclaim your power? I did, and that’s why I became a Life and Leadership Coach…because I believe you can too!